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Just another adorable bear in the sticker world who loves shopping and cakes. Darekuma loves to follow trends and sometimes struggles with identity crisis.
誰 (DA-RE) means who in Japanese and クマ(KU-MA) means bear!
Space Nyan スペースニャン
A cat who wears her helmet to escape to space whenever she wants to. She hates noises & prefers to be alone except when with her friends. Recently, she has been seen without her helmet often, I wonder why!
Tadashiba タダシバ
A shiba inu who is serious in everything he does. His name is a combination of 正しい (righteous) and 柴 (shiba) in Japanese. He has a high moral compass and often shake head at Darekuma & Space Nyan's behaviour. (He still loves them tho!)